Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Razorback at Rest

Reader Martin e-mailed me with this amazing and heartbreaking photo of a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado languishing out in a field where it appears to have sat for quite some time as it is sitting up to the axles in dirt. Funny thing that he should send it to me today as hours earlier I had gone to visit my 1967 Eldorado and was thinking to myself of how much of a project it would be in spite of the fantastic original shape it's in. Needless to say, after seeing this photograph, I don't feel so bad.

Yeesh. What a sad end for a fantastic automobile. I sent Martin a lengthy e-mail back about the feasibility for the average hobbyist to restore a vehicle in such a state of neglect and this one seems well out of most anybody's reach. The roof could probably be peeled back like the lid of a sardine can without too much effort and the thought of what the undercarriage must look like is not for the faint of heart. Still, if I were ever to get the winning Powerball ticket for some obscene amount, rest assured that I would be picking this car up first chance I got to be restored to factory perfect. For the car's sake I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Many of you have been wondering just what the hell has happened to me as we're approaching damn near the three month mark of absolutely no updates. I've received e-mails from many readers and even phone calls from friends in the past few weeks that use my online presence as a way of tracking me as their lives, too, have been uncontrollably busy. Not to worry, though, because I'm not dead and I certainly haven't given up on my ever-revolving fleet of world-class beaters. I haven't had time for any of them lately, but I certainly haven't given up on them or this little asscrack of the information superhighway I call home. Though updating will continue to be sporadic for a little while, I am largely back; a big part of why I wasn't updating was that both computers and my digital camera simultaneously shit the bed. Two out of the three have now been fixed and I should be good to go on a digital camera before not too much longer.