Many of you have been wondering just what the hell has happened to me as we're approaching damn near the three month mark of absolutely no updates. I've received e-mails from many readers and even phone calls from friends in the past few weeks that use my online presence as a way of tracking me as their lives, too, have been uncontrollably busy. Not to worry, though, because I'm not dead and I certainly haven't given up on my ever-revolving fleet of world-class beaters. I haven't had time for any of them lately, but I certainly haven't given up on them or this little asscrack of the information superhighway I call home. Though updating will continue to be sporadic for a little while, I am largely back; a big part of why I wasn't updating was that both computers and my digital camera simultaneously shit the bed. Two out of the three have now been fixed and I should be good to go on a digital camera before not too much longer.