Free Bike!

So today I'm driving..... erm, walking home from running a few errands and decided to go down a side street near my house to see if anything interesting had shown up in an old neighbor's driveway since the last time I'd driven by; past vehicles included an all original 1959 Cadillac Coupe DeVille, among other things. The Cadillac has long since been replaced by a 1972 Lincoln Continental Mark IV, and nothing else new was there. But, on the opposite side of the street was a sign reading "FREE," hastily written in black marker on the back of a pizza box. God only knows what had been taken before, but this early 70's Tyler 16-inch single-speed bicycle with a coaster brake and the business half of an older Sears lawnmower were all that was left by the time I showed up. Without batting an eye, I plucked the little blue bike from the sidewalk and heaved it into the trunk of the Riviera..... erm, I mean, I walked it home with me. It shows just the smallest amounts of surface rust in a few spots, meaning it was pretty well-taken care of and most likely lived in a basement or garage until the decision to throw it out was made; there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, other than it needs a good cleaning and oiling. A new set of pneumatic tires wouldn't hurt, either; I think I chipped my tailbone riding on the original solid rubber set as I took it for a few trial runs up and down the street. The handlebars and white sparkle banana seat will be raised to the maximum height to better accomodate me, and it will be left in the trunks of my old cars for the rest of eternity to be ridden at shows, swap meets and the beach. I dare you to come up with a better use for a Polish-made Stingray knockoff!