Water, Water Everywhere!

For those of you that haven't already seen or heard it on the news, the New England area has received an unprecedented amount of rain this past week; a foot thusfar and still coming down hard. As a result, every body of water in the area has swelled to ten times its size; roads are closed left and right as streams that once flowed under them now flow on top of them and basements and garages are flooded everywhere. The area behind Silvester's house we tear around in on his buddy Kevin's ATV is currently a shallow lake. The photo above was taken at a park just above the Pawtucket Falls on the Merrimack River here in Lowell which, for at least another day anyways, will include portions of the roads that flank it on either side.

These falls are usually not flowing at all; large boards hold back the water from going over as water is diverted through downtown Lowell via the canal system that acted as a power source for the city's many cotton mills that made it famous during the height of the Industrial Revolution. Now, once again, albeit temporarily, the river gets to flow as it once did a century ago as the water recedes and things begin to return to normal.