Wednesday, April 26, 2006


When I was younger and first started driving, I got myself in a fair bit of trouble with a combination of a few accidents and a few speeding tickets. Now, after nearly two and a half years of trouble-free driving, a bullshit speeding ticket way late at night means I've stacked up enough surchargeable offenses in a set time period for the state of Massachusetts to take my driver's license for 60 days. Shame, too, since offenses would have started dropping off of my record in December of this year. But, not to worry. Come May 19th, the day I officially get my license yanked, this site will become the official chronicle of a guy forced to live (temporarily, thankfully) without the thing he loves most: cars. Fun things are on the horizon, however; there's a good chance the 1977 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme will be coming home before the big day to sit out in the street with my '96 Riviera to ensure that I have enough automobile-related projects to keep me from going nuts. Things are about to get interesting.